Master of Science in Business of Energy

Master of Science in Business of Energy

Become a Leader of Change in the Energy Industry

The past years have revealed the many challenges facing the energy industry. 老化的基础设施, 极端天气, international upheaval and a volatile economy have made the delivery of electric power a difficult task. 另一方面, 全行业的变化, 受公共政策驱动, 技术的进步, renewable sources and rapidly growing demand, are also sources of innovation for the industry.

The professionals who come out on top are those that can navigate these challenges with strategic know-how and 业务 acumen. The Master of Science in Business of Energy from esball国际平台客户端 gives you the most up-to-date industry knowledge with a solid 业务 foundation to help you take charge of these complex issues. Graduate well-equipped to not only face the future but shape it. 


Center your studies on solving the most urgent problems in the energy industry. Course materials tackle what 业务es need to succeed and focus specifically on the Northeastern energy industry. 在整个项目中, 准备头脑风暴解决方案, understand technical complexities and create strategies to deal confidently and effectively with current and future energy industry changes.

The program is 100-percent online, letting you attend part- or full-time around your busy schedule. All courses are taught by leaders with extensive experience in the field, who come equipped with the most current industry knowledge and materials. Customize your studies to your professional goals with both 业务 of energy and MBA courses.


Some of the skills students develop in the 业务 of energy program include:

  • 能源基础商业
  • 电力市场
  • 能源政策
  • 老化的基础设施挑战
  • 能源工业、经济与金融

The online 能源商业硕士 requires 10 graduate courses totaling 30 credit hours. Students complete at least five or six 业务 of energy core courses, with the remaining courses taken from the MBA课程. A required graduate project allows you to apply your newfound skills to a real-world scenario.

The 10 courses serve two functions: (1) Core program courses provide an understanding of the complexity of the integrated functions within the energy industry, from fuel selection/power production to end-user consumption. (2) Business courses strengthen students' competency in their professional discipline(s), preparing them for success in the energy industry sector.


Complete five or six of the following core courses from Business of Energy graduate courses:

  • BOE616 Graduate Project; Business of Energy*
  • BOE610 Fundamentals of the Business of Energy*
  • BOE611规划 & 电力系统运行
  • BOE612电力市场
  • BOE613放松管制 & 重组
  • BOE614 Electric Power Industry Economies & 金融
  • BOE615 Challenges to Upgrading Aging Infrastructure


Complete four or five courses from the existing MBA课程.


A 100-percent online program delivers maximum flexibility to our students. Virtual classes are live and encourage interaction among attendees. Access plenty of remote teamwork opportunities, while hands-on coursework lets you immediately apply what you learn in the classroom to your own professional role.

A completed application includes the following:

  • 网上申请表格.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • 两封推荐信.
  • 官方成绩单.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required:
  • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).

Learn more about admission requirements for graduate students

The program’s offerings have really allowed me to accomplish something that would have been near impossible in a traditional college setting.

杰森·贝尔19岁 能源商业硕士


esball国际平台客户端 is recognized for being among the top 10 percent of engineering technologies master's degree-granting schools. We are also at the forefront of online learning, with our 在线MBA ranked among 《esball国际平台客户端》美国排名前40位.S. As a result, graduates of our program are well-respected by employers.

The online master's in 业务 of energy prepares students for the following types of roles:

  • 能源分析师
  • 能源审计
  • 能源管理器
  • 环境经理
  • 可持续设施经理
  • 项目经理
  • 可再生能源顾问
  • 可持续发展项目官员
  • 可持续发展专业
  • 能源经济学家
  • 能源市场设计专员
  • 公共政策制定者


Our 能源商业硕士 students have recently secured positions with:

  • 中央电力鸡舍
  • GE
  • 国家电网
  • New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
  • PPL电力公司


电话: 518-631-9831

Interested in learning more about the Master of Science in Business of Energy? 请立即与我们联系.

了解更多 库尔特工程学院.

100% Graduate Placement Rate - Program Specific

Advanced Certificate in Business of Energy

Through Clarkson's Advanced Certificate in Business of Energy, 工程专业人士, 地球科学, 法律, 业务, policy and related disciplines can receive a solid foundation in energy systems. The online program consists of four courses, which can be completed in one year. 

Advanced Certificate in Business of Energy


Chart your path in the energy industry with a master's degree from Clarkson. 下一步: